
Repliker från Gangs of New York

Originaltitel: Gangs of New York
Genre: Action och Drama
Produktionsår: 2002

Favoritrepliker från Gangs of New York

den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"They don't speak English in New York any more?"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland. No offence son"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"Prepare to meet the true lord"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English with this fucking knife"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"Monk's already won by ten thousand more votes than there are voters. "
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"I'm fortyseven. Fortyseven years old. You know how I stayed alive this long? Fear. Fearsome acts. A man steals from me, I cut off his hand. If he lies to me, I cut out his tongue. If he stands up against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike and lift it up for all to see. A spectacle of fearsome acts. That's what maintains the order of things. Fear"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"No son, never. The blood stays on the blade. One day you'll understand"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"We hold in our hearts the memory of our fallen brothers whose blood stains the very streets we walk today. Also on this night we pay tribute to the leader of our enemies, an honorable man, who crossed over bravely, fighting for what he believed in. To defeat my enemy, I extinguish his life, and consume him as I consume these flames. In honor of Priest Vallon"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"If you get all of us together, we ain't got a gang, we've got an army"
den 21 november 2005 av Kenzilla
"Here's the thing... I don't give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meatheaded shitsack... That's pretty much the thing"